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We’re smoothie fiends. For as long as we can remember, we’ve finished off the day with a tasty fibre-filled treat (recipe below!) to keep that internal plumbing in working order.

Fast forward to 2019 and a glorious Italian holiday where we found ourselves in quite the bind: two cheese and charcuterie piglets + no night time smoothie = no morning trip to the porcelain throne.

We started resembling the tasty little stuffed sausages we were consuming, and from that moment on vowed to never go on holiday without our trusty blender and psyllium husk/flax seed stash. The search for a mini version ensured, without much luck, at which time we decided to make our own. “It’ll be easy!” he said. “People start businesses all the time!” she exclaimed. Ha! Fools.

Countless test products, many iterations, a misprinted logo, and a lost shipment later, we finally had our dream mini portable bender. It looked pretty (essential, obviously) and it was more powerful than the cheap ones on the market. We took our time with the little things like ensuring the USB charger port could be sealed to reduce potential water damage (avoid the ones with an open USB on the front - trust us, we learned the hard way) and using the right BPA and toxic free materials. 

Anyway, all this to say we’re super proud of the result: our little cordless Mixl bender. It gets a proper thrashing in our household, at work and on holidays, and we know you’ll love it as much as we do. Whether you're after a healthy smoothie while travelling or a tasty margarita by the pool, she has your back (and your bot) covered.   

And yes, the internal plumbing works seamlessly now, thank you for asking.

Andy & Anna xx



Try our night time blend:

3/4 cup oat milk
1/2 frozen banana (cut up)
1 tsp cacao powder
2 tsp ground flax seed
2 tsp ground psyllium husk
4 drops liquid stevia to sweeten (or honey)
Water to top up

Makes a 1/2 cup each - perfect before bed and it tastes like dessert!