Home / Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use hot liquids in my Mixl?
Don't add hot liquids to your blender as it may damage the base and ready-drink cup. Keep it cool: cold liquids, fruit and even ice (just remember to start the blender upside down).

How do I clean my Mixl?
Once you've made your smoothie, simply add water and a drop of washing-up liquid, then blend. 30 seconds should do it, and if any mess remains a little scrub will do - just don't under any circumstances submerge the base in water. 

How do I use my Mixl?
Simply screw the cup on tight and double tap the button to start. For the best blend, start the blades whizzing upside down so they get to maximum speed the slowly turn right-way-up. If the red light comes on, you may not have the cup screwed on tight enough or you may be in need of a charge. 

If the blades get stuck at any point simply turn your Mixl upside down again to free the blades, then back upright slowly.

What if I lose my charger?
Not to worry! You can charge your Mixl with any USB charger (it will fully charge in three hours). You can even use your Mixl as an emergency phone charger when you get stuck out and low on battery.

Where are you located?
We're based in London, United Kingdom, and ship for free throughout the UK. 

How long does shipping take?
After ordering your Mixl, it will arrive in 2-4 working days. Shipping to the UK and Europe is free of charge, however you can pay a small extra fee for next day delivery.  

Does my Mixl come with a warranty?
Yes, your Mixl has a 3 month warranty, so simply get in touch via the contact page if you experience any issues. However, you will only be covered if you have followed proper terms of use i.e. no water damage to base. If you happen to break a part of your Mixl, just get in touch and we can help you purchase a replacement.